Posted on 02/19/2014 6:36:35 AM PST by LucianOfSamasota
ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) Reports from tens of thousands of bird-counting volunteers show a southern invasion of Arctic-dwelling snowy owls has spread to 25 states, and frigid cold is causing unusual movements of waterfowl.
Results are still coming in from the four-day annual Great Backyard Bird Count sponsored by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, National Audubon Society and Bird Studies Canada. Sponsors say the event, which ended Monday, drew participants from a record 127 countries, surpassing last years 110. Most were from the U.S. and Canada.
Preliminary results show more than 2,500 snowy owls being reported in 25 states and seven Canadian provinces. The big white owls are in the midst of an irruption, or a sudden invasion of a region in large numbers, which scientists attribute to a population boom in the birds and a scarcity of their preferred food, lemmings, in their normal range on the Arctic tundra.
Another early finding is that with the Great Lakes almost completely frozen, some species, such as white-winged scoter and long-tailed duck, have left the lakes and stopped at inland locations where theyre not usually found at this time of year.
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This is all a lie so the EPA can stifle any growth, especially car manufacturing plants in the Southern States.
Obama is getting his clock cleaned at over 80% in CT.
That gives me hope for Yankees!
Then again, it might have gotten just too cold in the Arctic.
I was in Vermont camping and our neighbor was from Boston. I fully expected to hear a torrid liberal rant so I said nothing about politics. But, when he found out I was from Texas he started in - he did not have one good word to say about the libs. We got into a very heated conversation because both of us were ranting on the same side. I told him I had not expected to meet anyone who was conservative from Boston. And he said, “We are all over, it is just that we are over-voted just enough to keep the idiots in charge.”
Snowy Owl....the OTHER white meat.
Hide yer kittehs.
Like eagle.
The scarcity of lemmings may very well be a factor. Another factor supported by evidence such as Sun spots, and predicted by scientists, is Global Cooling.
COLDER (not warmer as the commie libs would have us believe)
Northern animals start moving further and further south, and men start growing beards. Both signs of both people and animals changing their behavior based on what they know instinctively to be the truth.
Yep, climate change whereby the artic is getting warmer and thus driving the Snowy Owls southward seeking the cold.
See the “proof” at:
Climate happens!
Saturday, I was driving in the country south of Blue Springs (a Kansas City suburb for those who don't know) and I would have sworn that a snowy owl flew past the car. I saw it for about 10 seconds - my son, unfortunately, didn't see it before it flew out of sight, so I have no confirmation on this. It was a large raptor-type bird, predominately white with just a little black or grey on its wings. I couldn't think of anything it could have been since I'm sure it was an owl. I'm 95+% sure that's what I saw but I'm not going to try to convince anyone. I'll assure you that I've been an outdoorsman for 50+ years and I don't have a history of seeing spooks.
>>... I wonder what grilled Owl tastes like?<<
Great with garlic salt and red pepper.
Might try that!
Spotted owl probably sounds good too.
Beautiful bird but a total killing machine.
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