What about the black population who refused to be served by Trader Joe’s in Oregon? That was a business who was barred from doing the trade it wish to do because some minority was offended.
“On the other hand, perhaps HiTech has identified you correctly, and that frosts your craw to be exposed at this conservative website.”
Yeah, whatever. Go mumble to yourself about this new theory for all I care.
And you know... saying someone is “acting like a modern liberal” is something I don’t do lightly.
Because, for one thing, many people are complex and I can vouch personally for how difficult it is to be truly self consistent. I think I’m approaching it closer than I did in the past, but I am by no means at perfection (that will have to wait for another world).
But Boogieman really does look like a shifting shadow projector. Time to turn on the floodlights. It’s because bigots managed to hang their hat on the excuses of a government (and less so, on unfortunate church preaching that took the bible to wild distortions) that racism got perpetuated as badly as it did. Let dealing with people of a race be free by choice (which is the last shadow we got from Boogieman) and equality will shortly result by merit.