What about the black population who refused to be served by Trader Joe’s in Oregon? That was a business who was barred from doing the trade it wish to do because some minority was offended.
I mean, now the left can have it BOTH ways? Dictating who is forced to serve and who is forbidden to serve?
I don’t know enough about that incident. I believe in personal identity based upon merits, not color or appearance, per se. One of the best Math teachers I had in college was a black guy. His favorite expression for answering a problem was ‘let’s draw a picture’. I admired him for his meritorious work which had nothing to do with his race. Now, race is more important and sexual degenerate preference is more valued. That is a sick aspect of what ‘tolerance’ and ‘diversity’ have brought to America. It also tends to institutionalize an aversion to excellence, which does the opposite of developing peoples’ potentials.