Roves RINOs and The Obama Campaign are in cahoots to terminate the Tea Party. Likely Rove and the Dems have collaborated to keep the Tea Party and Conservatives from fund raising by sicking the IRS on conservative groups.
ROVE is as much a tyrant as Obama, he is just another fascist in waiting.
Rove needs to just GO HOME and CHUT UP! Yes thats “CHUT UP!”
I agree. I don’t listen to anything this loser and his idiotic whiteboard has to say.
The only diff between Bubba and the Dork is that Bubba is a much more likeable liar and grifter.
Oh, forgot, Bubba actually can prove where he was born and where he went to school...although schooling apparently didn’t take on either POS. I’ll guaran-d*mn_tee that the Obamadork couldn’t pass a high school course in anything.
Rove should be telling EVERYONE to mention Clintons rapes every time a democrap says “republican war on women” until they are afraid to say it anymore
Bill, the sexual predator and rapist, is on best-buds terms with the Bushes.
Wonder who’s Obama’s Lewinsky is you can bet the media knows but will never tell.
This is telling. RINOs do nothing to save constitutional conservatives from unfair attacks from the dems about women's rights issues. Meanwhile, we should not comment about Clinton's abuse of a much younger employee and hillary's abetting it?
It s**** that we can probably win the presidency with a Cruz/RandPaul ticket, but first have to defeat the RINO globalist backstabbers.
Don’t these people have phones or email?
Karl, whose payroll are you on? Looks like Hillary’s. FYI Jerkwad, the dems declare that we have a war on women, yet, your buddies Bill and Hill rape, assault and molest women. What a standard the heads of the Dem Party are setting for us women! So glad you agree with their standard! IOW Jerkwad, STFU!
Texans should never forget the dirty campaign he ran against Ted Cruz to replace Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson.
Jerry Patterson or Dan Patrick are viable alternatives, don't know Todd Staples but I'm sure he's better than Dewhurst.
Pillsbury Boy makes me say D’oh!
I wonder if Rand Paul will fire back at Rove. Paul doesn’t usually just take this kind of thing. I think we might see a counter-punch; maybe something about Rove siding with the Clintons.
Tokyo Rove is a pathetic DemocRat.
Raving Rove strikes again!
Karl Rove works for the Democrat Party or for George Soros, maybe both.
Rove’s a smart analyst with a mouth big enough for a shoe.