A couple of years ago I began to notice these young workers who always had a super sized cup of soda next to them while they worked. Even the hostess of a restaurant might have one or the girl behind the counter at the dry cleaners. A few weeks ago, at the bank, I saw every teller with a large cup of soda on the counter next to her. Can’t these kids go two or three hours without drinking something?
ive seen this too
reference post 6
“Cant these kids go two or three hours without drinking something?”
It’s not the liquid. It’s the sugar. They’re addicted to it. And everyone of then will have Type 2 Diabetes by age 40. By 50 they’ll all have heart disease and probably NASH.
They have been allowed to bring in water bottles since kindergarten.
My wife is a teacher, and when she said that I was blown away. I had to wait to get a drink of water till recess or lunch.
I can't believe how many people (young and not so young) are eating and drinking at church now. WTH? People can't make it an hour or so?