I think this Mitthead is setting up for round two.
I think he is for sure.... So who would you vote for if the nomination was between Crispy Cristie and Mitt? Ugh...
I hope Mitt does run and hope Mitt does win. That said, I can understand the first reactions of many folks here to the very suggestion that Mitt is signaling “This is NOT over!”. Some might think him a masochist, a Rich Man’s George Zimmerman, if you will, who appears to going ‘shopping for trouble’ every day in the week. I disagree with that reflexive analogy.
I think Mitt has been chosen to do this, to keep trying. Even if he loses, Romney will force the nation to focus on aspects that are lost or that we as a culture are on the verge of losing. I think Romney sees this ‘Casandra’ type ringing of warning bells in the town square as part of his mission.