The study is a bit skewed, because it only compares groups in America. So it’s probably not surprising to see certain immigrant groups doing well, because it’s their high-earning doctors and engineers over here.
Meanwhile, back in the old country are the teeming masses not doing so well - so if you look at these ethnic groups in their TOTALITY .... well, it explains why Nigeria and Lebanon aren’t major world powers, despite their educated immigrants, as a group, doing great in the US.
But I should add, give the Mormons credit, as a group they’re definitely punching above their weight.
The problem is that mainstream culture coming from the school system is all about “self-esteem” based on nothing other than a child’s assistance. Self-esteem comes from achievement.
But the article is totally right in stating that it’s not native intelligence but rather a desire, almost a need to succeed. We have coddled our kids to the point that they don’t even know HOW to succeed anymore (work??? what is that?)