Whatever...Scheiffer is so out of the loop....Cruz is formidable.
Below between the dashed lines part of an email I got from a fellow choir member....a fellow I think would be a great council person and who I-who knows nothing- am grooming to run.
He ain’t said no yet cause guys....an elected office isn’t for me. Why me when you already got Sarah Palin? Just need to get her on the ticket somewhere.
Your note to me about Steve Smyks friend sitting in front of you, was his last name perhaps Dmiterchik or Vislusky?
As Peggy and I left Mass, who should we see but Steve Smyk himself, talking to a big-wig in the local art scene.
So here I am in the choir...on SUNDAY....and right in front of me is the guy Smyk had asked me about at the meeting. So, you know me, I leaned up and murmured in his ear if he knew Steve Smyk. He smiled and told me not to believe anything Smyk said about him.
After communion this guy comes back to the pew in front of me and whispers to me, gleefully, that he “just saw your buddy”. Well it had to be Smyk because that’s what I’d asked him about....heh.
So Smyk was at my church schmoozing with a rich art patron?
I got big plans for him....I’ll tell you what he told me, just to get a politico’s point of view....
.....Smyk is very ambitious. Very. He’s personable, writes well (we exchanged many messages on Facebook....I like when a politician can write legibly. He told me in Delaware it’s almost impossible for a Republican to ascend higher, the state House and Senate are over-run with Democrats. It’s only Sussex county that’s the strong spot and even though Sussex is the biggest, the best, the most cherished....there’s a swath of very wealthy Blue Blood GOP up north on the outskirts of Wilmington. Mike Castle territory.
He tries to explain how you almost have to support a Dem elected guy’s bill even to get some recognition.
anyway....anyway....lookit guys, I am going to learn about this, in most cases, insert wink here, whether it’s head of the local county GOP to my local Rep to my state Senator related to the guy who tried to take my fence to this one or that one....I am making the rounds, I got ear to ground....I am learning.
Another possible source could be the county lawyer and how dedicated am I you must ask?
This guy knows a lot....I’m thinking of selling my body....
.....by the pound.