I listened yesterday, last night and today. He's not hemmng and hawing about anything. He's been perfectly clear that he's staying in New York till his son graduates and till his contractual obligations are fulfilled. He also stated clearly his move would be to Florida or Texas.
People just jumped into thinking he was packing up and moving the next morning when he made his first rant on radio...and so the "telephone game" of misinterpretations that we used to play as kids got started on the grape vine.
There's too many retired New Yawkers and liberal New Englanders in Florida for him to run for anything there. He'd do okay in a primary, but he'd be a special target in the general.
These eastern transplants bring their liberal cuckoo-ness with them to the Sunshine State....and they'd vote straight Democrat even if Charles Manson was one of their Dem candidates.
Sean would be wiser to move to Texas.
He'd make a dependably-conservative elected official, to be sure.
What? Stop that. Do not encourage him! Stop it, MinuteGal.
Has he said why it’s between FL and TX? There are a lot of states out there. (57, if our prez is to be believed!)