To attack him is to attack the GOP Govs across the nation, many of whom are doing a good job.
I agree that many GOP governors are doing a good job. I’m not sure I agree that an attack on Christie is an attack on the rest of them.
I think one problem we have in politics and elsewhere is that too many things are seen as “all or nothing” and that criticism of a part is seen as criticism of the whole. I’ve been very supportive of a number of candidates who I believe have flaws and with whom I disagree about several point.
I will freely criticize a position I disagree with and that doesn’t mean that I wouldn’t support a candidate. By the same token, I will freely criticize Christie, but that doesn’t mean I don’t support other Republican governors.
I never was a fan of Christie even before the bridge scandal or before the 0vomit hug during the 2012 election/Sandy aftermath. I found it unsettling that even when I agreed with his position on an issue, he came across as a narcissistic bully. We already have that in the WH and we don’t need another one who is just a fraction of an inch to the right.
I haven’t followed the latest hoopla since it first broke, but my bet is that Christie was aware if not involved. If he’s clever, there will be no evidence connecting him to the lane closing. If he’s arrogant or careless, there might be.
I’m tired of politicians who skirt the law and get away with whatever they can because there is a loophole or “no legal controlling authority” or whatever else they use for an excuse. Wrong is wrong. I’m even more sick and tired of politicians who use their power to carry out petty and vindictive attacks on their personal enemies.