“Not exactly.”
Yes, exactly - for Christ praised those who chose celibacy for the kingdom of god.
“There is supposed documentation that Christ consorted with known prostitutes. It is “biblical”, by the way.”
Supposed documentation? Christ indeed did minister to sinners including publicans and prostitutes. What of it?
Christ might have been a real man,or might not have been.
People make things up to make themselves comfortable with their own conditions and existence.
Men have invented thousands of "Gods", "Prophets" and "Sons or daughters of Gods".
Just because you don't like that or it doesn't coincide with your own personal belief system does not mean it is not true.
Ministering is not the same as ‘consorting’. Consorting usually has sexual connotations and I think that is what elk is implying.
“...publicans and prostitutes.”
Both providing essentially the same service since time immemorial.