Coincidence? You decide. >>>>>>>>>>
Coincidence would have had some mitigating effect prior to the debacle that Obama foisted on the Tea Party, using the IRS to limit fund raising of conservative, jewish and Christian groups who were trying to exercise their 1st amendment free speech rights in the electoral process.They were denied charitable status and / or harassed while leftists groups were granted status. This was a fund raising war which was being waged as part of the Obama continuous fascist campaign since 2008. The low information voter is ( gasp!) surprised?
So our nation is now in the grasp of liberal fascism.
Obama is a leader of a fascist movement. The IRS has been compromised along with many federal agencies , including Homeland Security, to remove individual Constitutional
rights.We are now a conquered people without a shot being fired in opposition, thanks to the Obama propaganda of the MSM and the ‘low information’ voter.
This was predicted years ago in 2008, a good read:
Barack Obama The Quintessential Fascist:
Thank you so much, Candor7.
Thanks for the AT article link - bookmarked.
Thank you for posting the link to a very insightful article about the Communist change The Regime is engineering for America. It is time to turn that boat around.