The women’s movement and the war on men, the women won and in the process succeeded in promoting and electing democrats and a dictator, thus destroying the economy and the middle class.
They will blame it on men in the long run and will soon be looking for ways to hire men to do the grunt work at slave wages while retaining their own status and power.
The one thing they probably are not thinking about is that women, with their normal social and emotional habits will find that they are inclined to start tearing each other apart to maintain their positions of power. I know any number of women who have told me in no uncertain terms that they hate working for other women because the women in charge are closed minded, jealous of their position and will protect their territory viciously. They all want to be the sole source of power and decision making and once they have that power they protect it at all costs and seek more.
I remember reading a year 2000 US Census statistic that the number of women in households full-time jumped 13% from 1990 to 2000. This seems to correspond with your data.
It’s possible we could infer from both that even more women are staying home to be full-time housewives/mothers.
It kind of makes me question the statistic of 100 million+ that have stopped looking for work in the US. What percentage of that number are women who have decided voluntarily to stay home full-time?