I hope to God that those that fear Global Warming are right. If you look at Geologic History, life and man thrived during the inter glacial periods. The Inter glacial periods have lasted from 10 to 20 thousands years with glacial periods of 100 thousand years or more. The normal state of the earth is glaciation and not our present and probably short lived state of inter glaciation.
CO2 did not start or end the last ice age. Orbital mechanics and the magnetosphere of the sun is the cause of ice ages and the brief periods between in which life flourishes.
“Pray for global warming,” as the alternative is a vast lose of life and diversity of living things on our planet.
The colder the ocean gets, the more CO2 it traps. The warmer it gets, the more CO2 it expels.
Atmospheric CO2 has been much higher than today coincident with much lower global temperatures.