“but local officials said since the car was in the dealership’s legal possession at the time of the crash, no crime was committed.”
Baloney. Ask Steve McQueen what happens when you take a vehicle out without authorization.
What if the employee had taken cash from the dealership and went out and had a good old time. It is the same thing.
It IS stealing. The dealership should pursue charges. THey should replace the vehicle (I’m certain insurance covers a fair portion), and they should pursue civil charges against the employee and a garnishment of wages until the vehicle is paid off.
but local officials said since the car was in the dealerships legal possession at the time of the crash, no crime was committed.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Not true. Bailment does not encompass destruction of property.
The issue of a bailment of property converted to crime
goes to the test of intent. The joyride was not within the contempation of the owners bailment to the dealer.
Nor was it within the contemplation of the Dealer.
The joy ride cheese stands alone and he should be charged wity felony theft.The car owners insurance should proceeed with subrogated rights to sue the joy rider and the dealership for the payment of loss, full replacement value.
Exactly. How much you want to bet that the joyriding employee is a relative of a cop or politician?