Hey, Madison native - me too. I got knocked from my bunkbed by the Sterling Hall bomb when I was 10 years old. And you’re 100% right - these ARE the same commies.
What is hideous is that our military isn’t as dedicated as the Egyptian Army in taking out the trash.
To quote some smelly marxist: Burn, Baby, Burn!
I still say that Karlton and Dwight Armstrong deserve to be stood against a wall and shot like dogs for what they did. Assholes.
I can take a degree of comfort knowing that when I was in 7th grade, I had the pleasure of kicking Dwight’s ass on the way from school one day.
“What is hideous is that our military isnt as dedicated as the Egyptian Army in taking out the trash.”
You know that I hold this same thought, exactly.
At this point in our history, I honestly believe that our best hope lies with our military. If they don’t stand in defense of our Constitution, then we may have to start thinking in terms of revisiting the actions of 1775.