Doug Vogt had filed a suit which he says cannot be ignored by the system, with Fuddy named as criminally involved
You do realize, don’t you, that the complaint Vogt filed in Seattle was dismissed? ( I don’t know if he’s pursued anything else since then.
This is off-topic, but what crime COULDN’T have that same judgment given, if law enforcement wanted to ignore the crime? The bitter irony in this is that the judge himself is committing misprision of felonies if he failed to report crimes to law enforcement. I supposed there’s some kind of weasel room to make sure that the privileged elite don’t bear the same burden of truth and lawfulness as the rest of us. They’re all exempt from the laws.
There is no rule of law in this country. The corruptocrats make up the laws as they go, prosecute who they want, excuse whoever they want, and we’re all supposed to live as if we’re already in jail because our overlords are keeping us safe from ourselves while protecting all our enemies.
As Randy Stonehill would sing... Stop the world, I wanna get off. This is too weird for me. Stop the world; I wanna get off. I’ve just got to find a planet where they’re interested in... sanity.
Nov 14th. Is there an appeal filed?