I don’t see where the EPA has the ability to take private property and put it in another political subdivision, be that a county, township, or State, much less a sovereign nation. It would be like giving Erie to Canada.
Find where the EPA DOESN’T have the ability to do this.
This is why Reid used the nuclear option for the DC Circuit court..
Per DU
From DU- “The DC Circuit Is Unique. The DC Circuit by law is the exclusive court to consider appeals of an array of agency regulations and decisions affecting the entire country. Moreover, even when parties appealing agency decisions, congressional statutes, or presidential actions have a choice of venues, they often choose to have their cases heard by the DC Circuit due to its expertise in complex administrative matters.
While the Supreme Court is better known, it only hears a miniscule portion of appeals that are filed with it. So when the DC Circuit makes a ruling, it is almost guaranteed to be the last word on the matter.
Every facet of our lives is affected by some aspect of federal law, whether its clean air rules, gun safety, telecom regulations, investor protection rules, securities fraud laws, labor law, banking regulations, food safety requirements, credit card regulations, election law All these can be appealed to the courts, and that court is often the DC Circuit. So for those seeking to block a progressive federal government agenda, the DC Circuit is an important vehicle.”
Pretty soon voting won’t mean a thing. We’ll be controlled by agencies’ regulations rather than legislators’ laws.