NEW YORK For seven years, Dr. Thomas Frieden has been the nagging conscience of the nation’s biggest city, the man who made sure New Yorkers couldn’t smoke in bars or eat french fries cooked in artery-clogging trans fats.
Frieden served as head of the New York City DOHMH from 20022009. The agency employs more than 6,000 people (shovel ready jobs!) with an annual budget of $1.5 billion. He also chaired the New York City Board of Health, pursuing “an unapologetically aggressive public health agenda.
Wait....they city of New York has a single department that employs 6,000 drones??? I’m surprised and appalled that the ENTIRE goobermint of the city of Noo Yawk isn’t substantially less than 6,000 drones.
Curiously enough, the nanny state that hates alcohol and tobacco (supposedly for health reasons) is all in favor of smoking dope. I’m puzzled by this.
Regular pot use has been repeatedly proven to have very negative effects, particularly on the adolescent brain, and even to result in schizophrenic episodes, and marijuana smoke actually has heavier tars than tobacco smoke and can cause emphysema. So why is it the darling of the nanny state now? Mayberry because dopers are easier to control.