If he removed the laser, reholstered the gun, and then proceeded to used the targeting laser as a laser pointer, then I wouldn’t really have a problem with it (other than the whole liberal nut job with a loaded weapon in a place where the proletariat would be shot on sight for carrying thing). IMO that just falls into the category of using what you have on hand. But using the loaded gun itself as a laser pointer just screams, “As you can see from this map, we deployed our disaster response teams here [bang], here [bang], here [bang], and along the highway here [bang bang bang bang *click]. Oh, excuse me, I need to reload. Now, where was I? Oh, right. We put SWAT teams in these neighborhoods here [bang bang bang]...”
On the bright side, that would make it easier to see exactly where on the map he was indicating! /sarc
“If he removed the laser, reholstered the gun, and then proceeded to used the targeting laser as a laser pointer, then I wouldnt really have a problem with it”
What if he unloaded and showed clear, then he would just be using a gun shaped laser pointer? Seriously the whole thing is absurb and inappropriate on a number of levels.