Reggie should be worried,sounds like Boner’s auditioning for his job.
Congressman John Boehner, Democrat-OH
Has Boner done even one thing right? Is he practicing to become sec of state , or just what’s with this fellow anyway ?
Where’s that money coming from?
That’s mighty white of you to offer to pay for it all, Johnnie.
Why don’t we just make permanent unemployment benefits?
If you do not want to work, you will get a permanent monthly check, along with free medical and dental.
Do you have a nice house, no? No problem, the government will give that to you too.
You’ll need a car to go out once or twice a year to look for a job, so the government will give you one of those. Just go down to local GM dealership and order yourself a free car. Be sure to pick up your free gas debit card.
Do not forget about food stamps and welfare and your Democrat voters registration form.
And your absentee ballots will always be prefilled for you near election day.
Are these “working age” unemployed?
We elected stupid people to congress. Boehner is the chief idiot.
Time to clean house.
And soon a GOP sycophant will be here to tell us to wait and let it play out before jumping to conclusions.
Bet on it.
Never with unemployment like this have we even considered not extending them, Reid, of Nevada, said on CBS’s Face the Nation program.
Anyone know the true history of this as I’m assuming this is a bald-faced lie?
Have them join the military so the Democrats can take money from them.
Harry Reid’s bitch!
I don’t have a problem extending unemployment benefits.
It should have been in the original deal, and the fact that it was left out guaranteed that the original deal was going to cost us a lot more than face value.
I do have a problem that we continue to let in cheap imports from communist countries that are challenging us militarily. We don’t even charge them import tariffs equal to what are own domestic employers have to pay.
Why vote for Republicans? I won’t vote for Democrats. Why vote any more? And add to the mix John Roberts in the it over?
Here’s the first thing to do. There needs to be a top-to-bottom review of every rule, regulation, law and government agency. Every rule, regulation and law then requires government employees to administer and enforce them. This means that the government requires more tax money. In order to get more tax money the governments take money from businesses and individuals. This money that is taken reduces the money available for the private sector. Private sector employees PRODUCE tax money while government employees CONSUME tax money. Less money in the private sector means less money for research and development and makes our nation less competitive. I would like to see at least 50% of all government employees go to the private sector for better jobs than they have. The Democrats have a vested interest in increasing government employees. Government employees vote Democrat. The Education/Democrat Party/Government Employee Complex is bankrupting this nation.
Interesting how they keep telling the American people how great the job market is and then put on their doom and gloom hat to extend unemployment.
BOHICA vets, you're going to be the ones to pay for this one, too.