As for recovery from homosexuality being "not...that difficult a challenge for Christendom," recall that very often it is the result of open defiance of God--see Romans 1. So, that defiance is central, and generating a turnaround in those whose hearts are so set is anything but easy. But God is still on the throne.
Um, this may be a factor, and yet the need created by the symptom can be used to great advantage. It isn’t anywhere near all homosexuals that have scorned a cure in principle; this used to be quite a popular quest of psychiatry. Psychiatry wasn’t able to access the spiritual resources to effect a full cure. So it eventually acquiesced.
We Christians should know better. I think part of the complacency problem of modern Christianity is that t thought any old heterosexuality was okay, even adulterous — and thus forgot how to offer sexuality to God to be sanctified! Statistics bear me out here, I believe. Look up divorce rates for professed believers vs. general population.
I am not as blanketly negative about the possibilities. I don’t think the “difficulty” should be used as an excuse. The gospel rises above ALL sin not just SOME sin. The “difficulty” SHOULD alert us to steel ourselves to bear our crosses faithfully (the crosses of opposition) as we march into that melee. But the gospel promise is that the quest is so, so worth it.