Colorado should be part of this—and actively pursuing such.But I am no longer sure there are any in this States political fray could be trusted to represent the Constitutional issues.a State where an Administrative Law Judge can order a Baker to provide services to Reprobates—who declares in his opine :”Conceptually-refusing same sex couples on religious grounds is no different that refusing a biracial couple on religious grounds.” So far I ‘ve heard lots of citizens complaining but Nothing but silence from our Legislators.When a State no longer allows recognition for the rights of conscience in its laws can it be trusted with mere politics?
The liberals are concerned they have overreached. Obama’s star has fallen, and his brazen law breaking and disregard of our traditions and constitution is evident to all. Any Independent of 2008 who isn't anti-Left now is not an Independent, but is a drone.
There may be no better time to strike against the Left than now. It may be our last chance.