There are anti-trust laws on the book that prevent charging a different price to customers for the same service. They are rarely enforced anymore. But they are still there.
Could this not be applied to Obamacare?
Put it right on the price sheet... “Custom cakes for gay weddings - $12,000.00” so all gays are treated equally.
Actually, with these cases... I recall a freeper explaining a good workaround.. for wedding photographers. Insistance on being officially invited to the wedding... so if they do not want to do it, they can RSVP no.
Probably could be, but it would take an administration willing to do it. The law has made an exception for HMO's from those anti-trust laws. I'm not sure if insurance companies in general have been excepted.
One of the problems in trying to make sense of healthcare now, is that insurance companies are charged a dramatically different rate, medicare is charged yet another rate, and people without insurance pay through the nose, unless they negotiate up front.