Obama is dumber than donuts.
Trayvon’s daddy is smart enough to know how STUPID half of Americans are!!
If you had a neighbor who doped up on marijuana daily (sometimes multiple times) for at least a decade...then kinda cleaned himself up...what would be the expectations of this guy twenty years later?
He’d have short-term memory lapse episodes. Scientists already know this and agree on that fact. There’s a fair amount of potential for long-term memory lapse episodes....this they will argue over because it’s not a proven thing.
So you gaze over at five years of life in the White House. There are dozens...if not hundreds....of examples of short-term memory lapse. Same deal for long-term memory loss (the uncle episode fits well into this).
Now that we kinda fit things correctly...we come to realize there’s three years left, with a guy on a short-memory lapse problem.