BOOM! You got it.
But understand that AM talk radio is imagination-land.
In it anything could happen if only Americans would do what they will never do. What has 1/8 of 1% of US population heard this idea?
I've found that arguing with the Levinites on the right is similar to arguing with the pro-gay marriage crowd on the left.
The gay marriage cheerleaders will insist that their idea is a guaranteed RIGHT that is enshrined forever, and that anyone who doesn't agree with them "hates America", even though NOBODY in America was even aware of the concept or entertained the thought of passing it a decade ago. The gist of their argument, which they will beat you over the head with over and over again, is that "consenting adults" deserve "equal" rights to marry whoever they want because of "love". Of course, once you hold them to this standard, and inquire about whether they will stand by their OWN rules and support legalizing incest and polygamy marriages, they will respond with personal ad hominem attacks and hurl insults at you.
Likewise, the Levin worshippers will insist that their idea is a guaranteed RIGHT that is enshrined forever, and that anyone who doesn't agree with them "hates America", even though NOBODY in America was even aware of the concept or entertained the thought of passing it a decade ago. The gist of their argument, which they will beat you over the head with over and over again, is that everything that "the founders" wrote down in 1789 was an infallible perfect form of government, and that altering or amending that system of government in any way will "destroy our Republic", and how DARE anyone claim to "to know better than the framers" Of course, once you hold them to this standard, and inquire about whether they will stand by their OWN rules and will support repealing the 12th amendment and restricting voting to only white male property owners, they will respond with personal ad hominem attacks and hurl insults at you.