This guy Flaherty certainly is obsessed with skin color.
tribal violence is genetic I guess...
Obama built that. Race-bating president Barack Hussein Obama has been stirring the flames of race warfare since the day he took office. Obama knows what he is doing. He wants to divide America on racial lines. He has set back race relations in the United States three quarters of a century. He is creating hate and chaos at every turn and he knows it and wants to do just that, so he can grab the military and paramilitary to “bring order.”
This is happening in small cities (pop under 50k) as well. Harrisburg, PA, just five miles from me has this problem. Just look at the US Census demographics for Harrisburg and you will see the problem.
We avoid crowds like the plague..
Those who don’t are stupid.
I notice that nightclubs went out with disco back around end of 1980s in white areas. They tended to draw trouble even back then.,
I just saw on FOX news a segment concerning a new pastime thrill for black boys. They just walk up to any white guy on the street and cold-kock him. There was a video from a security cam showing an example.
The neighborhoods need to get organized to close these clubs down. We had one, and rap night was not to be believed. It took cops out of other areas and so became a danger to the community. We got it closed down. Now it’s a bank. Community work is hard because of all the different groups and the relative lack of political knowledge, but it’s made easier by the closeness to people’s actual lives.
Looks like our bigot ancestors were right.
This melting pot thingy isn’t working out so well.
The libs want to make all the illegals citizens. The Latino gangs wouldn’t put up with the BS from the blacks.
Black on black violence is so common, these atrocities hardly make the news or “shock” anyone. In urban areas a black male has a 5% chance of being killed by the time he is forty. This statistic is unchanged for the last fifty years.
The animals are OUT OF CONTROL.
If our ancestors knew then what we know now they would have picked their own damn cotton.
Gee, Portland, Oregon, a marxist shithole has problems with the “brothers”. Who’d thunk after all those payoff benefits and MaryJane privileges?
Reap what you sow, comrades!
Those darned violent Amish again. . .
Please come back and play this game often. We feel that after a few months the players on the other team will be declining in numbers. You can still play then but may have to range further out of your normal transportation lanes to find members of the opposing team.
What a strange and dangerous game they play, I wonder why we don’t see this here in West TX?
Ray Lewis is an expert on this subject.
I always follow the Derbyshire rule. Never go anyplace that “Amish” congregate in large numbers, and certainly not at night.