Tuesday, November 19, 2013 9:49:18 AM · by Clint N. Suhks · 115 replies
Breitbart ^ | 11/19/13 | by LARRY O'CONNOR
(and about 10 other related stories)
Posted on 11/19/2013 11:17:08 AM PST by don-o
For the moment let's dispense with the discussion about whether some of these people deserved to be included, and keep the focus on those two words. As you see, in the mashup version, the words "under God" are included, delivered by Jimmy Carter. According to this story from Washington's WMAL Radio, all the participants when reading their full versions included "under God," with the exception of Obama.
So what's that?
The explanation from Obama's people is that he was working from an earlier draft of the text, known as the "Nicolay copy," which did not include "under God." Lincoln added the phrase later in the drafting process, but before he actually delivered the speech on this date 150 years ago. The only version upon which Lincoln conferred final approval was the "Bliss copy," which is the one he delivered. The source for that is no less an authority than Robert Todd Lincoln.
So let's say for the sake of argument that Obama didn't intentionally leave "under God" out of the address, but was merely working from a version that didn't include it. Why would he work from the Nicolay copy when surely someone in the White House had to know that was not the final version and not the speech Lincoln actually delivered? Is it really conceivable that no one involved with this project knew the primary difference between Nicolay and Bliss was "under God"?
(Excerpt) Read more at caintv.com ...
Solzhenitsyn declared:
Over a half century ago, while I was still a child, I recall hearing a number of old people offer the following explanation for the great disasters that had befallen Russia: Men have forgotten God; thats why all this has happened.
He’s a filthy stinkin’ liar.
There are five manuscripts of the Gettysburg Address.
Three have the words “under God”, two (Nicolay and Hay) do not.
Did a search - no return. Go ahead and hit abuse if it makes you happy.
I do not spend 24/7 on here.
I’m surprised Obama didn’t replace ‘under God’ with under Allah’.
May his tongue stiffen!!!
No abuse. But if you want - I can teach you how to search. Its very easy.
If it makes you happy.
Should this be any surprise? Of course he’ll use the version that omitted “under God”. Hes a MUSLIM!!!!
I know how search. maybe I could teach you to read what I wrote
To you people of faith out there who voted for this guy
How much more proof do you need?
Perhaps it is better this way — we do very little that is ‘under God’ these days.
Lincoln’s fault!
The Lincoln Memorial. The sacred Lincoln Memorial. The place where Martin Luther King delivered his “I have a dream” speech. The Gettysburg Address is carved into granite there. It contains the words “under God”. They are not only carved there, they are carved into the American psyche. THis was NO accident.
Why would this be any surprise? It’s him. Why would the next fake elected leader not be the same? There is no consequence. Even if polls show a Dem loss by the time the fraud gets done it will be their gains again. Then are you to believe the electronic voting machines that NOBODY is allowed to verify? (not who votes but who counts)
The signed copy on display in the Lincoln Room at the White House has the words. And they are carved on the wall at the Lincoln Memorial.
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