agree , this is not news, this is mentally sick attention seeking kids who have no idea what sex is about but have been brainwashed into thinking this is normal.
The homostapo will rejoice that they have now got to more kids and see their agenda being pushed onto more people.
Where are the parents in all of this too?
“Where are the parents in all of this too?”
The Stepford parents are so brainwashed by the media and the schools to “celebrate” deviancy, even in their own children, that they just repeat over and over robot style how “thrilled” and how “accepting” they are. These same parents are proactive and get help for their children when their children have any other problem or malady, from crooked teeth to acne to an eating disorder to flat feet to slowness in math - but not psychological help for same gender attraction brainwashing, a spiritual malady whose ramifications are tremendous, a malady for which there are generations of proven therapeutic approaches and successes.