They should be out there every day reminding people of Obama’s lies.
“They should be out there every day reminding people of Obamas lies.”
Yep - and more than that! The House should be pumping out bill after bill - on a daily basis - repeal, replace, delay, defund, subpoena, impeach - everything!
Full court press, blitz, keep their foot on the gas, throw the book at ‘em, play every card we’ve got, don’t hold anything back! Not just lip service - we need action! Hit ‘em hard and fight dirty! If there’s any money in the GOP coffers - spend it! TV/radio ads. Attack attack attack! We gotta throw everything we’ve got at this thing and kill this beast. Nothing less than the future of our country is at stake! Literally - our lives - and the lives of our children and grandchildren - are on the line here!
My new mantra.
They should be out there every day reminding people of Obamas lies.
And not only tar and feather Obama with this, but EVERY Democrat that voted for it and defended it the past 3 years.