like the boomers haven't shelled out enough money and enough years already......WE are not posing any problems....the problems were heaped upon us...
instead of reducing payments to seniors by just a tiny amount back in the early 80's, instead the workers got to pay more and more, including ever increasing medicare taxes, AND told that they had to work even longer....BS...
SS started out miniscule...then it changed to be a huge bite out or our paychecks....wasn't it like 0.5% when it started?...and now its just under 8%...
which all means is that there are people collecting now that paid hardly anything....not to mention the billions thrown out to "disabled" people with the bad knees.....etc....not to mention the new immigrants who just happend to have lost their BC but swear they are over age 62...I know this happens...
I hear you. I am a baby boomer too. I don’t remember what the % contribution rate was. I do seem to recall that 16 workers support 1 retired person. Now it’s like 3 people supporting a retired person.
Boomers are given a bad rap, like we were all a bunch of raving idiot liberal hippie type pot heads. Tain’t true at all. Out here in fly over country plenty of conservative, bitter clingers.
The rates were raised, and I don’t remember hearing a single person gripe about it. We knew that granny and our parents were dependent on it.
I know I have done all I could to help my kids and my parents, and be able to stay self supporting. I don’t want my kids to have to send more than half their paycheck to the government-that’s for sure.