because of all the anti romniacs here, prompted by rat plants I'm sure, we got the likes of bammiac again...and we got Al Freak in Minn, and many others because people who are supposed to know better vote for some stinking "libertarian" or "constitutional" party....
I'm beginnin to think that freepers are not as smart as I once thought....
Bullsh*t. I’ll believe my lying eyes, thanks.
Do you not realize it was the rinos who caved and slandered Cruz just as much as the democrats? If I keep voting for republican rinos I may as well vote for democrats. If I vote my principles at least I’ll feel better about it. I get sick at my stomach when I think about having voted for McCain and Romney. And look what we got.
It’s time the rinos joined the real conservatives instead of the conservatives joining the rinos then getting screwed.
No, we got Obama for four more years because Romney is a squish liberal with an R velcroed to his sleeve, whose record as Massachusetts Governor would make any left-wing Democrat blush with pride.
I voted for Mccain and Romney. I will never vote for a RINO again. Period.
Romney lost deservedly. He’s a coreless democrat who started obamacare and sent his advisers in to teach Obama and Valerie how to get it done, including forcing churches to cooperate or else.
I would rather have the real thing as ever vote in your dream boat squish pretending to be a Republican. Squishes are 4 to 8 year rabbit trail that delays the war that needs to be fought.
Now it will be, because people get it now. If dream boat were in office, the people would still be home belching up their beer, never to notice the slope is more slippery, but at only a slower pace.