Posted on 10/14/2013 9:24:53 PM PDT by 2ndDivisionVet
On his radio show Monday morning, Bill Press took on this weekends Million Vet March by denouncing the participants as idiots whove been used by right-wing organizations to protest against their own best interests. Ultimately, he said, they shouldnt be following people like Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), they should be expressing public odium towards him.
Absolutely drives me crazy, Press said of Sundays protest activities. Heres what wrong with it, he continued, Those three idiots leading the protests, but theyre not the dumbest ones. The dumbest ones there are the idiots that are protesting. These are people, they call them vets. I wonder how many really were veterans. I dont care if they were veterans; they dont know what they hell they were doing.
He accused the protestors of being used by right-leaning groups: I think they were organized by Heritage Action. They were organized by, thats Jim DeMint. They were organized by Americans for Prosperity, thats the Koch brothers. These people, again, dont know what the hell theyre doing, dont know what theyre saying, dont realize theyre being used by these right-wing organizations, and theyre being used by them to argue against something thats in their own best interest.
He continued on to express bewilderment at the movements support for Texan Sen. Cruz:
I mean, how dumb can they be? Dont they realize that the guys that they were cheering yesterday, Ted Cruz, is the guy behind the shutdown? Hes the guy, doesnt everybody know that? Not those idiots. Hes the guys that came up with this idea that has proven to be a colossal failure. That the way to destroy and kill and get rid of Obamacare, the Affordable Care Act is to shutdown the government. That was his idea adopted by the House Republicans and its a total failure. Total failure. And we wouldnt have entered the shutdown yet, but theyve abandoned the idea of getting rid of Obamacare.
Press concluded: Everybody says its never gonna happen, so why are they why are they following Ted Cruz. They should have been hanging him in effigy at the Memorial. They should have been booing him.
Listen below, via the Bill Press Show:
Bill Press, another liberal son of a bitch too stupid to be an idiot.
Wouldn’t it be nice if Mr. Press were to run into a Marine in a back alley?
When all this shutdown nonsense is over and the dust has settled, people are not going to remember the stalemate over the budget or the debt ceiling... They’re not really going to even think about ObamaCare which, one could argue, is what caused the shutdown in the first place.
What people will remember are the images of our war memorials being barricaded shut, for no reason other than spite.
Bill Putz can’t even tie his shoes.
just imagine the cries of racism if conservatives ever hung an effigy of the current POTUS...
I ran into Bill Press in a Newport Beach hotel restroom in 2004. Another person and I were thinking about confronting him about his politics but he was drunk so we backed off.
This man, along with Micahel Moore, would be before a firing squad for treason if we were living in true America.
I don’t care what Press says or thinks, but it is going to be very interesting to see how history records these events.
If, as Karl Rove and Mr. Press and most other political operatives think, Ted Cruz picked the wrong strategy and damaged the Party, that should become apparent and he will doubtless pay a price for it.
On the other hand, every journey starts with a single step, and history always notes the singular events associated with key events - such as the bombardment and surrender of Ft. Sumpter that marked the beginning of the Civil War.
Or maybe a more apt analogy would be the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand in 1914 that set off a chain-reaction that led to World War 1 less than a month later.
To many this came as a shock, but the assassination was really a trigger event that touched-off the war which had been building for a long time. Similar pressures exist today, and one can argue that Sen. Cruz’s speech could be the trigger for whatever happens next with the shutdown/budget/debt ceiling/Obamacare crisis.
The wheels are in motion, but we cannot know how things will turn out. But it will be very interesting indeed.
Dear Mr. Magoo,
If you had opened your eyes and looked, you could have read their signs, their hat insignia, coat insignia, shirt insignia or just seen the teed off look in their eyes. Either one would have told you they were veterans trying to get to one of their own memorials.
Awesome job men and women. You went right up to the line of getting arrested. If you had walked away with a barrycade they could have arrested you for theft. But hey, other then Obama, who the heck wants a barrycade ? They sent in that formation of baby blue coats consisting of small statured men and women to see if they could promote an assault. But hey, other then Obama, who the heck wanted to see that line of police attacked ?
The next move is his.
CAUSE they know they are traitors.. and not true believers in communism..
They have a point...
"A picture is worth ten thousand words.."
What a pig.
There are a handful of leftists talk show hosts/TV talking heads, who are certifiably insane, and Bill Press is right up there with:
* Ed Schulz
* Chris Matthews
* Lawrence O’Donnell
* Al Sharpton (besides being a con artist par excellance)
* Mike Malloy
He’s so crazy and full of hate that no reputable insane asylum would have him as a patient. That’s why he’s in radio, a haven for the mentally ill with a good voice.
In the confusion of the first few days one might plausibly argue that Obama had not realized that the park service was wasting resources to punish veterans, and had not had a chance to correct them. Now there is no more doubt. Obama is punishing veterans on purpose. He is the lowest of the lowest low as he sits protected by their blood.
Poking the bear with a stick has killed many a fool.
I am glad he got some coverage. No one listens to his radio show. Otherwise, I would not know what a douche this guy is.
Figured this would be about that Mike Molloy fellow.
Tom Hartmann, he’s real radical too, have to add him to that list, radio host on the same stations that run Schultz basically.
Bill Press is one of the most vile of the lefty talking heads and has been for years. Just an obscene, putrid little man.
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