No, "shrill" because you are nastier to fellow FReepers who disagree with you on anything than most FReepers are to Democrats. Do you think the squishy middle is going to rally to our side because we call them degenerates, sodomites, etc?
What you're really asking is how do we persuade social moderates that we're not anti-abortion, anti-queer Jesus nuts. Maybe we can't. But those "moderates" see no sin, no wrong, in embracing sodomite marriage and the murder of unborn babies. Most conservatives know better. They understand that God is real, and that His standards demand accountability.
"Maybe we can't?" You're not even trying. The left has the power of the media and two generations of public school indoctrination on their side. Using round numbers, it's a 40/20/40 electorate. If we continue to stink at presenting ourselves to the low-information, high-self-importance, "doesn't really know the issues and arguments but styles himself as an 'independent thinker'" middle, then the left will continue to hive off pieces. You see it in their otherwise-risible efforts to promote Democrats as the natural home for 'liberaltarian' (fiscal conservatism + social liberalism), and those smarmy pastors of the left (the socially liberal but soothingly acceptable mainline Protestant ones, not the Sharptons). They keep chipping away, and highlighting the most repellant personalities on our side, making it socially and internally unpalatable for the marginal voters to affiliate with us.
It might be a useful exercise to put yourself in the shoes of someone who is on the fence between Sarvis and Cuccinelli (I am not) and re-read your posts on other threads (I have), and see which campaign you are helping the most (hint: rhymes with 'sleazy grifter').
And yes, there will be a settling of accounts, but that is not for you or me to perform. Also, remember that Jesus dined with whores and IRS agents, and was more stern toward the Pharisees who went around judging others strictly.
That's a straight-out lie.
Regarding my initial post to you,I laid out Sarvis' positions and asked you if you thought they were smart. If that, to you, is nasty or shrill, you have the thinnest skin I've seen here at FR.
" Do you think the squishy middle is going to rally to our side because we call them degenerates, sodomites, etc?"
People like you never learn. Playing the nice, politically correct games of the left never "rallies them to our side." Your pre-election posts supporting Romney, and your optimism about him moving to the right prove that to be the case.
Understand this. I'm done participating in the redefinition of the language by a small percentage of sexual degenerates. Sodomite, queer, and fag work fine for me to describe sick perverts who play in feces, and who are actively doing everything they can to have their sickness accepted and celebrated.
"It might be a useful exercise to put yourself in the shoes of someone who is on the fence between Sarvis and Cuccinelli (I am not) and re-read your posts on other threads (I have), and see which campaign you are helping the most (hint: rhymes with 'sleazy grifter')."
Mm-hmm. No doubt you mean my conversations with the banned troll/retread shego, who tried to push Sarvis on this site, and who finally, after being repeatedly questioned, admitted he was all right with Sarvis' pro-queer agenda.
I will NEVER shy away from confronting someone who tries to push such garbage on my state.
"And yes, there will be a settling of accounts, but that is not for you or me to perform. Also, remember that Jesus dined with whores and IRS agents, and was more stern toward the Pharisees who went around judging others strictly."
Who is trying to "settle accounts?" All I can do is be responsible for my own actions. With that in mind, I know that my loyalty to God is above everything else, and I will not support a political agenda which is sinful in His eyes.
Eventually the GOP will cave, and fully support homosexual marriage and adoption. Republicans who dismiss the culture wars will have no problem going along with it. When that happens, I'm out.
" Also, remember that Jesus dined with whores and IRS agents, and was more stern toward the Pharisees who went around judging others strictly."
Yes, I used to hear that same canard from liberals in chat rooms. What they omitted, or didn't understand, is that Jesus never tolerated sin; He gathered those people around him to call them to repentance.
Misuse of the Scripture which says "don't judge" is common. Jesus was telling us not to judge sin if we're engaged in the same behavior; if not, He went on to tell us how to judge. And Scripture is filled with exhortations to make judgements.
BTW, did you address how Sarvis' carbon emissions tax fits into a limited government platform?