The oh-so-ultra-seeeensitive, multicultural crowd over there found the word "Redskins" so offensive that they opted to mask it out with asterisks. Yet that same site routinely uses the unexpurgated f-word on its main page. Likewise the Lord's name is regularly taken in vain by those vile cretins.
I think it's a situation similar regarding the Confederate flag. Liberals hate it so much that Conservatives ought to unapologetically embrace it as a symbol -- much like there should be no caving in to the PC crowd for team names and mascots. And by the way, I'd like to see "Hail to Redskins" restore the lyrics used in the 1960s: "Fight for Old Dixie!"
Funny thing is that if you changed the name to the Whiteskins, the same bedwetters would screech about it being racist.