Posted on 10/14/2013 8:29:59 AM PDT by kcvl
Radio Lefty Bill Press Calls Paying Soldiers Families Death Benefits Big Mistake
Just hours before the Senate voted to approve a measure that was passed by the House on Wednesday in a 425-0 vote to restore the death benefits paid to the families of fallen soldiers, liberal radio talk show host Bill Press showed his true colors when he said it would be a big mistake for the government to do that because once the government starts making special exceptions, it allows the shutdown to continue.
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This guy has been a POS for years. Why stop now?
Bill Press hates the families of troops killed defending our country.
Pass it on.
There’s slime, scum and then there is Bill Press.. alan colmes, bill maher.. no surprise, these are all righteous flaming idiots ,, by choice, not design.
(apologies to pond and creek scum and slime everywhere)
once the government starts making special exceptions, “
our government is ALL ABOUT special exceptions. They are not in obamacare!
“Special exceptions” You mean like exempting the Nazi dictator, congressmen, senators, staff, unions, and other democrat supporters from obamacare?
He’s a pimple on the ass of time democrat propagandist.
To listen to the statists and MSM you'd think the CR was the constitutionally mandated method of funding. It wasn't - its a statist tool that enables waste on a massive scale.
From my understanding, the original cancellation of the death benefits was overtly and aggressively illegal since a bill had already been passed into law which covered military pay and benefits.
The first law of brinkmanship is to never , ever take an untenable issue that you will have no choice but to back down on to the brink in the first place.
He lets his anger, hate and spite drive him so the poor boy can't help himself.
Obama is not just spiteful, he is too incompetent to pull off his game plan.
The shutdown MUST continue. The Current Regime now squatting in the White Hut needs the issue, much more than they need the resolution. Bill Press is a rectal orifice, no question about that, and his rant throws little weight to either side of the disagreement. The “special exemptions” allow the passing of funding, bit by bit, with the question of whether the “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010” gets funded or not, just never being addressed.
Never excuse as incompetence what is plainly and aggressively displayed as naked hostility.
Depends on the end goal. Imo, any attempts to portray Obama as anything other than a straight up destructionist is, at best, naive.
Everything done by Obama and his hand picked support crew has been meant to cause as much dmg as possible. The DNC has been fully and completely compliant and complicit in this.
Obama is, was and has always been of the most radical left. His goal, as is plain to see by the pattern established over time since he took office, is to force the radical leftist dream of open and bloody revolution.
They are more than happy too let some one else fight their revolution, but fighting revolutions is hard, dangerous work for tough people.
Obama ain't fighting no revolutions with his supporters.
Seeing as how the more violent of the organized street gangs are a part of that constituency, the only reply I have is...
Keep telling yourself that if it helps you sleep at night.
I believe it’s a big mistake too - should be multiples of the 100K...
I bet the douche feels 180 re: the tax code. Or, let’s try ‘immigration reform’.
Bill press was a Jerry Brown lacky from the git go years ago. I remember him making his self serving presence known at the Cal Air Resource Board meetings as public affairs spokes person. A totally self absorbed person.
His view is not discernible from Harry Reid’s view about little children with cancer.
Shutdown? No such thing. Slimdown maybe. Obama's golf course is still open. Obama's still has special staff making exotic meals for him. Plenty of arrogant guards sent to close parks, far more than the existing park staff that there before closure. Obama's got his exceptions, why can't a few needy families have theirs?
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