Only Obama himself.
Rejoice FRiends! Now that the Senate has done us a couple of great favors, we can focus again on the House. That's where this will be won or lost. And I think there is a fair chance that we can eke a victory out of this.
Look. The Senate was never going to vote for cloture. It was really just a question of how many senators would vote with the people, and how many would do as they normally do and vote to screw everybody else. Well, we got our answer: 19 voted with the people, which is actually 4 more than I expected. But more importantly, we now know exactly WHO the Patriots are and who the cowards and kakistocrats are.
But wait. It doesn't stop there. Today's vote was really a two-fer, the gift that didn't stop giving! At no time in my life have the political differences been so stark, the choices so obvious, and the villainy so apparent. Today, the majority of gop members in the Senate stood up and did something I never really thought they would do: they publicly murdered their own political party.
Its Marxism for the masses. But not for he.
Obama’s lil speech today reminded me of Bagdad Bob. Total fantasy.
As he leaves office (assuming he does leave office), I can imagine him saying to America, “Thanks to all of you who voted for me. I could not have destroyed this country without your help and support.”
Corpus of Positive Falsehoods
When everything crashes, blame "the rich", and Republicans.
The Audacity of Totalitarians