My comment is if the republican is doing the same thing as the democrat, but with a kinder, gentler manner, would it not be hypocritical to criticize the democrat while ignoring the republican.
“Yesterday, on Hannity’s radio program, Rand Paul suggested that we should not try to unseat republicans in congress, but focus on democrats.”
Just think where we would be today if the Republicans in the US Senate were all like Ted Cruz. Reid would be crapping his pants! The fact of the matter we need to focus on electing conservative “leaders,” like Cruz which necessarily means we need to “primary” most of the sitting GOP Senators along with the RATS. And we need to be willing to admit that this strategy will sometimes result in a RAT taking over the seat of a RINO, but that can be held to a minimum by running effective, well-vetted candidates.
As Cruz pointed out yesterday, Leftist Democrats who are open about their politics are more deserving of respect than sniveling and deceitful pols who hide their true perspective.
rand is not john mccain but he is also not one of us... Ted is. That saddens me but I am no longer going to give anyone a pass on these most important issues. He was sounding just like a DC Beltway, karl rove, republican snake oil salesman. Ted was on with Rush and he sounded like Nathan Hale, Patrick Henry and George Washington all rolled into one.
I don't agree because you can't unseat active Enemies of the Republic with weak tools. It didn't matter how mad we were at the Japanese on December 8th, 1941, we didn't send the Marines off to fight them until they had the right men, the right equipment, and a well-defined mission. The Republicans in office today are largely the same ones who allowed the Democrats to freely enact Socialist legislation in the first place - just how are they supposed to be the ones to fight back, now?
Rand Paul's larger point is the same as Reagan's 11th Commandment - "Thou Shalt Not Speak Ill of Another Republican." There is a time and place for that principle, however, and had, for example, the Tories in England held to it in 1940, Neville Chamberlain would have remained Prime Minister - and Britain might well have been defeated and occupied.
Rand at times sounds like more establishment GOP than American Patriot.
Voting for a RINO is betrayal of the most insidious kind.
The author states it may not have been wise for the 5 million who didn’t vote, but the jury is still out on that. I am inclined to think we have to have a little bit of hell to get to heaven.