More air into the balloon.
Makes a bigger noise when it pops.
This is not going to end well.
I recall watching FMOC during the dot com bubble, and being thrilled with the decision (cant remember if it was increased rates or lower rates) and watching the dot coms shoot up 5% in a couple of minutes.
That ended well, didn’t it.
$85 BILLION created every month, out of thin air, and used to purchase stocks in order to maintain the illusion that the market is doing well -
with the intent of keeping real money, yours, in the market.
THEY know when the music is going to stop - you don’t.
lets see, 5 years ago, oil was around 30, today its 108. but Bernanke says there’s no inflation.
would be hilarious if it wasn’t so sad.
Diluting the currency worked badly in Zimbabwee and pre-Hitler Germany.
But I am sure the 3rd time will be a wonderful success.
After all, noone is hurt by currency so it takes more of the smaller dollars to buy gas, food, etc.
Right? Right?