Posted on 09/18/2013 11:13:08 AM PDT by Hojczyk
Edited on 09/18/2013 11:17:36 AM PDT by Admin Moderator. [history]
An economy still stumbling toward recovery was not enough to sway the Federal Reserve, which defied market expectations Wednesday and said it will not begin pulling back on its monthly asset-purchasing program. Stocks surged on the news but bond yields were flat.
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Free trade will fix it.
And there goes the prices of precious metals....zooooom!
lets see, 5 years ago, oil was around 30, today its 108. but Bernanke says there’s no inflation.
would be hilarious if it wasn’t so sad.
“Wonder how many ordinary people know what asset purchasing means.”
a couple of years ago on wrko in boston, there was an overnight radio show called the steve Lavelle broadcast.
the subject was price of gas. I called in and I said well its very much tied to qe and the dollars being pumped into the economy. the host didn’t even know there was such a thing as qe.
then when I told him it was the fed he went ballistic, so i’m assuming talk of the fed is verboten.
The Fake White Indian kneecapped Larry Summers.
Message Received and Understood.
It doesn’t work so they will keep doing it. lol
You bring up a subject that I’m not real sure of. Can the Fed (or any other agency) create money out of thin air? I think they always have to borrow the money they put into the system.
That in turn means they gotta pay it back sometimes.
So if they gotta pay it back then such ‘created’ money isn’t permanently in circulation since it the government (or Fed) would have to take back the money to pay off the creditors, plus interest.
Am I missing something here?
In the current qe process, is the Fed buying bonds that already exist in the private sector, or they borrowing from the treasury, or what?
My final question: does money get created that stays in circulation forever?
On what planet? In what solar system?
And an ownership society! Who wants a pony?
Pure monetary insanity. The inmates are running the asylum now.
My primary fiscal plan, quite honestly, is to pay off debt and buy assets. Hard assets. So far, it hasn’t yielded much in terms of $$. But I sleep well at night and I don’t worry about unemployment.
Gold up $44/oz, silver up almost 5%, oil up 2.5%.
Gasoline to follow. In California it’s back over $4/gallon.
Because banks are holding onto the cash?
They will keep this up until a Republican is elected president. It will then be allowed to pop, putting the blame on republicans and conservative fiscal policy. Just watch.
Energy and food are deliberately withheld from inflation calculations: too volatile! lol
I want a pony!.
Burning the candle at both ends = no taper.
Vote for Vermin Supreme!
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