Time for AMERICANS to STAND THEIR GROUND against the agressive norms coming down the pike.
Time for AMERICANS to STAND THEIR GROUND against the agressive norms coming down the pike.
Of course the USDA knows that our early congress allotted monies to print and distribute thousands of bibles. Proof that the Constitution had no intention of killing religion.
Elect a Muzzie POTUS, and just imagine what you’ll get.
You just have to look, imagine nothing.
Put up the koran or liberation theology symbols and they’ll probably get double their food allotment. </sarcasm>
Don’t do it, Florida. Praying for this ministry. Remember that Christians have been persecuted for all time, and for a reason. Be warriors for your faith, by standing firm for your principles and rights. There is a time for everything under the sun, even to be a warrior.
Remember Pslam 18:34
We are in a spiritual battle all of the time. DO it on your own, or close up.
Then, feed the hungry as you have a surplus. Go around this. Do not give in and forsake the Lord.
Pray for the persecuted and remember He who is IN me is greater than he who is in the world.
Sounds like the govt is practicing “freedom FROM religion” to me.
What are they going to do when a lot of these religious organiztions stop helping the poor because of the bureaucratic BS they’re tring to foist on them? Oh that’s the angle...I get it
0 has proven he’s no Christian. I’ve never ever seen the types of attacks against Christian organizations and Christianity by an adminstration that I have in te past 5 years. I guess 0 doesnt approve of feeding, clothing, and giving shelter to te less fortunate, disaster relief, or charity in the community, i.e. good deeds. The spirit of the AntiChrist is definitely in the man.
There can be only be one messiah.
Obamessiah. /s
The government doesn’t mind people going hungry as long as they are Christians going hungry.
Feed the atheists. Starve the Christians.
When you start a Christian organization and accept money from the Government in any way you are under their control.
We are going to see a lot of Christian organizations shutting down.
Liberals are evil thugs, but they are not entirely stupid. They know their beliefs cannot stand against God or against reason, which is why they are so adamantly in favor of censoring free speech and trampling religious freedom.
It is not “separation of church and state”. It is a purge of Christianity.
Although we are the majority of the population, they wish to enforce by law “separation of church and culture.”
The US Dept of Agriculture does not grow any food. It does not distribute food. It only consumes taxpayer dollars and then turns around and dictates to the people. Like every other government bureaucracy.
Has nothing to do with our fearless leader hating Christianity. < / s>
What the heck is this USDA business?
Another IRS investigation...
What's happened to us?
Sounds like a violation of the establishment clause, the government mandates that the Christian religion isn’t permitted in the public square.I wonder though if it were the Elijah Mohammad outreach ministry and they were distributing The Final Call “newspaper” with every meal if there would be any “concern” with improper religious messaging?
The USDA policy boils down to the separation of church and state that secular groups read into the First Amendment.
Who gives a shot what the atheist read into anything?
Food is not the Government.
The USDA does not set social policy for the Government
In no manner does this pass the smell test.
So Tom Vilsack, head of USDA, detests Christians, but throws a seder for his religion at the USDA and promises to do it every year. Hes just another hypocrite Christian hater. Its not just the Muslims that loath Christians apparently.
Next time there is a major disaster in a majority muslim, hindu or other third world country, let them deal with it. No US aid of any sort, period! The US shouldn’t be propping any religion, right?