Posted on 09/11/2013 7:13:19 AM PDT by Nachum
The heckling came at the end of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's speech at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia which she gave in acceptance for the 2013 Liberty Medal, Tuesday night.
In her speech, Hillary kept it bland, largely staying away from controversial issues:
Clinton paid lip service to the pressing questions of the day: how the United States should respond to the use of chemical weapons -- the question at stake in Syria -- and how it should balance the need for both liberty and security. But she did not offer any concrete answer on these highly divisive questions.
Clinton's speech went on to address the need for working together, across the aisle, to get things done -- a topic that is salient given the gridlock in Washington today but also uncontroversial. When we fail to make progress on the challenges facing our people at home, our standing in the world suffers, she said.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
And today there was a bombing at the foreign ministry in Benghazi.
Anybody know if we have people there at this point?
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she is a daughter of the devil
Why is this Worst Lady still in public life?
Might we be plagued by Chewie in the future?
What difference does it make?
Nope.....The woman, along with POTUS Barack Hussein Obama that caused the American deaths at Benghazi, Libya, 09/12/2012!!! End of Story!!!
I am really glad someone shouted her evil at her
Libya was originally ALL Hillary’s idea.
GayMuzzie got onboard later, with HonkyMuzzie.
LOL! What an ignorant, airhead loony! I don't think it can "suffer" anymore than it has "suffered" since the Obama coronation.
I'm disappointed in Jeb Bush for presenting her with it, I would have refused.
She deserves nothing except jail time.
BTW: Did little Jebby kneel and kiss the Clinton ring?
Benghazi Hillary with blood on her hands?
This girl is in public life because the media decided she should run for president. We’re supposed to be excited about her running for president because of residual good feelings about the Bill Clinton era. If you liked Bill Clinton, then you should want to vote for his wife.
And the media gives her air time to push this narrative that she is deserving of being president because, well, just because. Don’t you dare ask any questions about what she has ever done apart from her connection to Bill Clinton that somehow qualifies her for high office.
The strange thing is that you rarely see Bill and Hillary in public together. I’m sure they live separate lives.
Hillary’s thoughts in a nutshell:
“Freedom for me, but not for thee!”
The Democrats' 'Smart Power' Lies in Ruins
National Review | Sept 3, 2013 | Jim Geraghty / FR Posted by kristinn
Democrats Suddenly Realize What They Miscalculated About the World: Everything
As we await Congress decision on authorizing the use of U.S. military force in Syria, Democrats are suddenly realizing that their foreign policy brain-trust completely misjudged the world.
Being nicer to countries like Russia will not make them nicer to you. The United Nations is not an effective tool for resolving crises. Some foreign leaders are beyond persuasion and diplomacy. There is no international community ready to work together to solve problems, and there probably never will be.
You can pin this on Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Susan Rice, but most of all, the buck stops with the president. Those of us who scoffed a bit at a state senator ascending to the presidency within four years on a wave of media hype and adoration are not quite so shocked by this current mess.
We never bought into this notion that getting greater cooperation from our allies, and less hostility from our enemies, was just a matter of giving this crew the wheel and letting them practice, as Hillary Clinton arrogantly declared it, smart power (and fronted Time magazine cover).
(These people cant even label a foreign policy approach without reminding us of how highly they think of themselves.)
They looked out at the world at the end of the Bush years, and didnt see tough decisions, unsolvable problems, unstable institutions, restless populations, technology enabling the impulse to destabilize existing institutions, evil men hungry for more power, and difficult trade-offs.
No, our problems and challengers were just a matter of the previous hands running U.S. foreign policy not being smart enough. (Excerpt) Read more at ...
Liberty Medal? WTF is a Liberty Medal? Is it one of those they hand out like candy bars or Silver Stars for Colonels in Vietnam or Bronze Stars for maintenance officers in Thailand?
According to Wiki, other recipients include Steven Spielberg and Bono. What a joke.
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