You's been a while (35 years)since I attended public school...
Seems most of my male teachers wore at least a button down dress shirt with a tie and slacks and in many cases a sports jacket...
Women teachers universally wore a dress or a matching pant suit...except for the gay gym teachers who wore gym suits...
Have we really fallen that far down the rabbit hole to expect teachers to dress like adults...
In most of American Business, ties are no longer the rule.
The separation of classes is measured by pants. Managers wear khakis or chinos and workers wear jeans.
The formalized coat and tie is no longer the uniform of the day. As a matter of fact, the wearing of a tie with a suit is now under going change. Suits sans ties are the thing
My uniform of the day is khaki shorts and a T shirt or Sweats and a long sleeve super t with a t shirt ...... of course I’m retired