I’m pretty sure a speech on Tuesday, September 11.....the same date and day of the 2001 attacks.....will not be received favorably, given the presence of Al Qaeda among those who would be assisted in a strike an Syria.
The audacity of a dope.
Syria is no push over when it comes to air defense...
A year ago on 9/11 Al Qaeda and The Obama Brotherhood were killing Americans in Benghazi.
This year Obama is arming the same terrorists with weapons paid for by American taxpayers.
We don't need to send B-52 bombers halfway around the world to find our enemies.
They are right here in Washington, DC and in the White House.
Wedsnesday is Sept. 11. It’s possible he plans to give the speech on Tues, Sept. 10 to try and boost public support for bombing Syria, then launch the attack on Sept. 11, before Congress has a chance to vote on it.