If he filibusters on this I think people will start gathering at the Capitol.
Many No War for Ego signs.
If he filibusters, he will be the head of Whatever party he chooses. He will be a remarkable leftist fighter.
No War For Snake Oil! No War For Gas!
Sadly, most people can't bestir themselves to phone their congressman, never mind protest. The usual excuse: "Phone call's useless...and I have to work."
This is the path followed by the Left: rule by mob. Whomever is the loudest carries the day. We should avoid such behavior. I am completely sympathetic to Senator Paul's position, but I disagree that a filibuster would be an effective strategy politically or an appropriate course for a duly elected official of this great Republic. Going to war is a grave decision and Congress deserves to have a vote. Denying the people's legislative body the right to express its preference is wrong, and I am certain that the Founding Fathers would not support a parliamentary gimmick to forestall a vote on the most serious question a country can ever pose to itself. The Founding Fathers would not approve of the erection of such a barrier to the legitimate democratic process even though to a man they would condemn this unwarranted incursion in the affairs of another country.