I’m looking forward to the day when the US runs out of money to subsidize the unemployed. Then things will get really interesting for the ruling class.
This is the Democrats economy. Its everything they asked for.
If Americans get to see Obama own these issues and the Democrats economy played out to the inevitable worst case outcome it will have justified his re-election in some small way (not sure I could say that being unemployed, though...)
- When you are much less fit to be President than a Rodeo Clown -
- you have not just stepped in bovine scat -
- you are bovine scat -
- you are the “flexible hoser” -
- but then - What difference does it make?
Revised motto of United States of America: E Pluribus Nusguam (From many, none).
Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin
17-24% sounds right to me. I'm in my 50s, and I've NEVER seen so many people in my extended family unemployed, especially for YEARS.
Even during the Carter recession, few members of my extended family were unemployed, and those who lost their jobs usually found a new job within six months.
Look at all the framers and workers who are jobless in California due to not getting irrigation water due to the effin Delta smelt and other minnows
Blame the eco-wacko libs in the big cities.
-——Politicians making bad investment decisions.———
that sentence indicates the writer has no clue about what is happening. The democrats did not make poor invettment decisions, they invested the looted treasury in them selves. America is being looted.
The Democrat party is a criminal enterprise.
Off with their heads....... let the tumbrels roll
I know people who are ‘’working’’, but it is in an ‘’underground economy’’. I say, more power to them! Starve this government. Deny them tax revenues. Bleed them dry. Make them hunt out those who ‘’work’’ in the fringes.
As corrupt as this government is, they deserve nothing from the toils of the masses. When the government decided that the rules they demand all to obey, they are exempt from; when the government lackeys and rulers pick and choose what laws THEY will obey and what THEY won’t, it is our right and duty to copy.
To hell with Baraq Hussein Obama and his F-ing government.
(Hello Utah, did I make your list?)
The Obama&Co depression only three more years to go.
That's a keeper.
And yet NOT ONE Republican will preach the truth about the destruction caused by government and the only way back to growth and prosperity. It seems that after you’ve worked so hard to get into government you won’t badmouth it once you successfully make into the hallowed halls.