I looked this up. The Earth is so small compared to the Sun that it would fit inside the Sun 1,000,000 times over. The Sun is 100 Earth’s across. If you took all the stuff man has ever built or dumped into the atmosphere, it would be so tiny compared to the Sun that it would be like the rounding error on the national debt. Climate is mostly due to the Sun. For all intents, all of human civilization has taken place in an atypical period of balmy weather. The Earth’s natural state is covered with ice.
OK!! Everybody pay attention!
Lesson for today:
1. The sun is 1,300,000 times as big as the earth.
2. The sun is a ball of fire that controls our climates.
3. The earth is a rock.
4. The earth is a speck in comparison to the size of the sun.
5. Inhabitants of the earth are less than specks.
Study Question: How do less-than-specks in congress plan to control the sun?