To: 2ndDivisionVet
Gee, just how Oprah would have reacted.
2 posted on
08/16/2013 8:04:35 PM PDT by
To: 2ndDivisionVet
Now there's a class act, grace, humor and charm.
3 posted on
08/16/2013 8:05:33 PM PDT by
Celtic Conservative
(tease not the dragon for thou art crunchy when roasted and taste good with ketchup)
To: 2ndDivisionVet
Gee, profiling at its best
Yet whites can handle it with class, maturity and humor
5 posted on
08/16/2013 8:08:26 PM PDT by
To: 2ndDivisionVet
I demand to know: Where are the Just-Us Brothers!?
An open and shut case of Creepy A$$ Cracker discrimination.
To: 2ndDivisionVet
7 posted on
08/16/2013 8:11:34 PM PDT by
Navy Patriot
(Join the Democrats, it's not Fascism when WE do it, and the Constitution and law mean what WE say.)
To: 2ndDivisionVet
I demand that the DOJ investigate.
9 posted on
08/16/2013 8:16:37 PM PDT by
(I'm not racist - I hate Biden too!)
To: 2ndDivisionVet
"He was just as nice as he could be -- escorting Jase to the park," Al said. "And honestly, if I was in his shoes -- I'd have done the same thing." Apparently he knows Jase.
10 posted on
08/16/2013 8:25:54 PM PDT by
Nuc 1.1
(Nuc 1 Liberals aren't Patriots. Remember 1789!)
To: 2ndDivisionVet
11 posted on
08/16/2013 8:28:48 PM PDT by
To: 2ndDivisionVet
I’m glad for a happy ending. My only question is that if Jase had stayed there before, might he not know where the mens’ room is?
15 posted on
08/16/2013 8:49:19 PM PDT by
(Standard & Poor - Poor is the new standard.)
To: 2ndDivisionVet
Oh Opera, take a lesson here. How to handle minor life issues without taking offense.
18 posted on
08/16/2013 9:37:58 PM PDT by
(Mayor Filner is a sick, sick, pervert.)
To: 2ndDivisionVet
People in New York need to get out more.
19 posted on
08/16/2013 10:38:48 PM PDT by
To: 2ndDivisionVet
Where the heck is the NAABP? (Nat’l Assn for the Advancement of Bearded People). We need one of those in this country.
20 posted on
08/17/2013 12:24:37 AM PDT by
(Former Rodeo Clown Sensitivity Training class valedictorian.)
To: 2ndDivisionVet
this is not our first rodeo, which is another reason I stay beardless....LOL!
23 posted on
08/17/2013 4:07:16 AM PDT by
To: 2ndDivisionVet
IF he were black and that happened, he would make MILLIONS!
24 posted on
08/17/2013 4:29:01 AM PDT by
(Amerika.....Providing public housing for the Mulatto Messiah)
To: 2ndDivisionVet
Very Christlike reaction.
Good for Jase.
“Facial profiling”—that one was worthy of Will Rogers or Mark Twain.
Wonder what Trump’s reaction was?
27 posted on
08/17/2013 7:00:50 AM PDT by
("The Taliban is on the inside of the building" E. Nordstrom 10-10-12)
To: 2ndDivisionVet
The “Duck Dynasty” cretins are some of the most disgusting people on the planet. I escort any of them out of my business as well.
Money does not buy decency, class or acceptance.
29 posted on
08/17/2013 8:10:25 AM PDT by
To: 2ndDivisionVet
Will Holder or Bloomberg investigate this civil rights violation? Where is the Donald on this matter?
30 posted on
08/17/2013 8:16:59 AM PDT by
(We get the government we vote for)
To: 2ndDivisionVet
The majority of people who look like that are homeless and/or mentally disturbed. So the guy at Trump International made a wise decision.
31 posted on
08/17/2013 10:00:42 AM PDT by
To: 2ndDivisionVet
Really not very surprising...
I'm sure the share audience of people in Manhattan watching some bearded redneck family, bible loving, family oriented, clean and decent, with no homo's, whores or gender benders is about .05 %
So they are totally unknown...
Put these folks in any flyover town and it would be a far different story...
40 posted on
08/17/2013 3:10:35 PM PDT by
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