This totally confuses me to no end. Why are they trying to find a naturalistic cause for a miraculous act of a sovereign God?
The bible says God created the Earth and heavens in seven (or, six, if you don’t count the Sabbath) days, fine. I have no problem imagining that God placed each photon in the Heavens so they appeared to emenate from stars billions of light-years away. Why would anyone expect God to create the universe to look new 7,000 years ago? After all, he didn’t create Adam as a zygote, but as an adult man! If Man can look adult when he is only a day old, why can’t starlight look billions of years old?
The funny thing is ICR writes, “Rocks increasingly older” on this image, instead of “Rocks appear increasingly older.” The notion that the rocks were created in a thousand years is just plain absurd. They appear billions of years old, yet they were made in a day.
1) ICR may not have produced that graphic. Don’t know ...
2) The 2nd and 3rd paragraphs seem to me to suggest that they think the rocks at the edge of oceans really are older than in the middle, but on a much shorter time scale than other folks think.
God is no less God if the universe is billions of years old.
And it makes formation of heavy elements from one or two generations of previously existing stars mathematically more logical.
And I suspect God likes math too.