I don’t know what has happened to the world.
It happened so fast.
One minute Marriage was a Sacrament blessed by God, the next it is a perverted sex act blessed by Satan.
If these people wish to go against nature and have sex with each other, instead of the opposite sex, that is their preference and their misfortune. Do not bring the wrath of God down on the rest of us by breaking the traditions that have held forth for 3,000 years. I do not now , nor will I ever accept same sex marriage.
I totally agree. People can do what they want, but don’t bring the wrath of God on the rest of us.
This is satan's attempt to mock God in satan's own kingdom.
Isaiah 14:
12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.
15 Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.
What was once knows as “The love that dare not speak its name” has become “The love that won’t shut the heck up”.
Humans have evolved for three million years without same-sex marriage.
We have all seen little kids throwing tantrums, this is what happens when kids are allowed to throw tantrums all of their lives until they become adults but still act like children. Bratty kids usually have enablers who allow them to run rough shod over others, in the case of the gays their enablers are the Democrat Party and liberal powers in the universities and media. These demented people need to be slapped down hard.
Our little gay friends are becoming more than obnoxious—they are crazed tyrants and many people, even those who are not very aware are begining to see how all those cutesy gays on tv have morphed into a real threat. This is the time to tell our family and friends that the Democrat Party are the prime enablers of the gay movement. It is the Democrat Party that put gay “rights” on their party platform since the 1970’s. The Democrats have been proudly and loudly shouting out how they support the right of everyone to “love” whom they pleased. Clinton and Obama made gays in the military one of their prime efforts.
Democrats have accepted gay activists and the money of rich gays to win elections. Democrats have given taxpayers money to the hundreds of gay organization that are used to harass conservatives. The gays have many workers thinking up their strategies and this all takes money—our taxpayer money. This is the gay machine.
The Democratic Party has sold its soul for votes. They don’t care who they sell their souls to as long as they can use them to get more power. Now is the time to open up the eyes of our families and friends who may have dismissed conservatives as the extremists. Let people know that by supporting Democrats they have been supporting a party that has been extremist for over thirty years.